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Close cooperation to build a world-class organisation

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“So far I want to say that Reach surprises positively every time we work together. It is not a bad grade for someone who has helped us for several years”

Patrik Lindh, Operations Director, Consolis Building

Consolis is a world leader in prefabricated concrete products and has over 10,000 employees worldwide with an emphasis on Northern Europe.


It is important to choose your recruitment partner with care. Successful recruitment presupposes close collaboration between recruiters and clients, and a high degree of professionalism is needed to create this. That’s what Patrik Lindh says, who is Operations Director for Building at Consolis and who, for several years, has been hiring Reach when it’s time to recruit for the company’s most complex positions.

Recruitment is not something that Patrik Lindh takes lightly. As Operations Director for Building at Consolis, he often needs to find competent employees and carefully select those who help him in that work. “Personnel is one of the most important and most expensive investments we make and therefor recruitment is a key task”, says Patrik Lindh. For several years, he has regularly hired Reach to recruit for the most complex positions in the company, and he is very pleased with the result.

“So far I want to say that Reach surprises positively every time we work together. It is not a bad grade for someone who has helped us for several years”, says Patrik Lindh. Consolis is a world leader in prefabricated concrete products and has over 10,000 employees worldwide with an emphasis on Northern Europe. The largest single business unit is Sweden and Reach has assisted in recruitments both within the Nordic region and in the Baltics. In some cases, Reach has helped to fill temporary positions, in other cases positions where they have started with a form of interim that will become permanent but also permanent senior managerial positions. But it is not only the recruitment consultants efforts that determine whether the recruitment is successful or not. Recruiting is teamwork, says Patrik Lindh and emphasizes that he as a client must also do his job well.

“As a client, I must be available at reconciliations and clear in what I want and do not want. Recruitment is teamwork, quite simply and with Reach that teamwork works very well”, says Patrik Lindh. Of course, it helps that he and Reach have worked together continuously for a long time. The process becomes smoother as the recruitment consultant is already familiar with what Consolis wants.

“I usually feel that Reach understands what I need already during the first ten seconds that we talk about a new recruitment, and they have an almost one hundred percent hit rate when it comes to deliveries and exceeds our expectations every single time”, says Patrik Lindh. The flexibility of the recruiting party, as well as a process that feels stable, is also very important. The first step is for Reach to meet with Consolis to understand the situation and understand the unique needs that exist for each assignment. After a thorough scan of the market and in-depth interviews, Reach then returns with a shortlist of three candidates, all of whom meet all the requirements. Reach and Consolis then discuss the list, after which Consolis conducts its interviews for a final decision on who it feels is the best match. The candidates who go on to meet more representatives at Consolis according to the grandfather principle. Reach has close communication with both Consolis and candidates throughout the process.

“I think it is important to have a team approach, both in the recruitment itself and in how those you recruit should work. The individuals in the recruitments are important, of course, but above all, it is important that they can deliver in a team. For me, this is the big difference in the end – that is, you are a team player and not an individual. Same with the actual recruitment. Sometimes I almost think that some take this with recruitment a little too easily. It’s not just about turning to any recruitment company. Successful recruitment requires hard work from both the consultant and the client to be able to succeed together.”

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